Sunday, September 24, 2006

Odds and Ends

First up, a collection of thought-provoking essays from another Stage Four individual who awoke one day to discover that evangelicalism's fancy new Christianist coverings were nothing but a birthday suit:

The Event Horizon Rider

Next up, an interesting discussion that touches on the question of what it means to be a Christian:

The Nicene Creed and Christianity

Thirdly, a handy-dandy guide to the US government's various terrorism warning icons. Do you know what to do if your lungs and stomach start talking?

Finally, an observation. It's more of an impression, but it's one of the things that has fueled my questioning along this leg of the journey. Many Christians would deny that such a thing is even possible outside of the context of Exodus ministries, but God is at work in the gay community. So far it's subtle and easy to overlook, but I'm certain of it, and I know I'm not the only one who's noticed.

What it's all leading up to is anybody's guess, but I believe that God is up to something big. Exodus and the ex-gay movement may yet have a place in those plans, despite the countless people that their political posturing has driven away from God, but most likely not in any way that they might expect. I wish I could say more than that, but it's nothing that I can substantiate or even put my finger on beyond an intuition.

These are interesting times to be alive. As Switchfoot might advise us, don't close your eyes. If you blink, you may miss something significant.

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